Keeping Company With Grief

A 7 day grief integration course

Grief is scary and confusing, knocking you sideways into a world you’ve never known, unsure of what’s next or how to navigate the fatigue, overwhelm and devastation. Some people get it, but not many, and being missed makes managing that much harder, painful and exhausting.

What you really want is for this to have never happened.

Me too.

And, here we are.

Whatever brings you here, you can learn to integrate Grief and feel like a person again, without dismissing pain or erasing your dear one’s memory.


"My grief was too painful and overwhelming. I needed Lamia to guide me to becoming more capable of managing the swirl of pain."


Keeping Company With Grief is a self paced email course offered at $54 per person

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You can’t control feelings, but you can learn to be with them

Can you picture it when your friend says the very wrong thing and instead of shrinking away in hurt, you take a breath and respond with the capacity to hold your pain?

Or when a stranger’s hair catches your eye and you fill with sadness and longing cuz it looks just like your dear one… what if that moment was tinged with sweetness & love?

Welcome to Keeping Company with Grief

Keeping Company With Grief is a week long series of practices and prompts for you to consider…

  • Do I even want to integrate grief?
  • What would life be like if I integrated this grief?
  • Can life feel good again?
  • How can I soothe myself?
  • What can I do to come out from grief taking over?

"I was reminded I needed to, and could, grieve. That it could be in small digestible pieces, and it didn't need to be overwhelming."

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Grief can feel like a trap, a trick, a scam. It can take the rug out from under you, and take over your day in a flash. We might hear about grief being an expression of love, but how can we entertain that idea when our hearts are caked in loss?

Integrating grief is a freedom practice.

You’ll receive a new integration practice each day to move you from being wrecked by grief into keeping company with it.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, grief and sadness are housed in the lungs and large intestine and by moving the Qi in those organs and meridians, we create space for Grief to be, loosening the hold grief has on our body and mind.

Also, there is a Spirit connected to each organ and for the lungs, this is the Po. In Keeping Company With Grief you’ll learn practices to accompany the Po, helping you stay clear and receptive to your feelings as they arise.

Then all this rounds out with dropping the story. The stories or context in which we experience loss are real, and there's more to be known. When we experience loss separate from story, the sensations of Grieving are set free to integrate harmoniously.

Practice makes integration possible.

Loss can wear us down. By embracing reality with moving, stretching and Qi flow we free the energetic body and engage the parasympathetic nervous system to regulate and replenish you. Keeping Company With Grief is an opportunity for you to commit to being with your grief and reap the benefits of that decision. From one day to the next you'll build capacity to be with the depth of your feelings.

“Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life's search for love and wisdom”


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Meet Lamia


My name is Lamia. I have been unknowingly integrating grief since 1985 and consciously developing grief integration skills since 2012. As a brilliant little being I experienced a lot of loss. What I did with it was remarkable (for a wee kiddo) and has become a major part of my life's work. I was raised by deeply compassionate humans who had abundant love, but didn’t have skills to meet my tremendous sadness. They bottled up their harder feelings and kept loving the world around them, so I did too. It worked for a long time, but then “keeping it together” collapsed and I had to find ways to reroute coping into mechanisms that worked for me to thrive in the long term.

10 years ago I touched this reality:

integration is possible

By intentionally practicing grief I built capacity and the result was integration. Until then I had only been told some version of “you can’t get over it, gotta go through it”. My question was always “to where? where do we go to when we go through it, what world is there that this loss isn't my reality?"

Now seeing clearly, I go nowhere, I experience the sensations of grief as they are, and it is there where I am free.

This can work for you because it is made by a griever for grieving. There is no right way to grieve, there is only your way. This program aligns you with your Qi flow and

your grief integration...​​

Keeping Company With Grief works because it meets you where you are: brave and vulnerable, trying to make sense of life as it is.

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How will this be delivered?

All content is in text and video, delivered by email.

When does it start?

Upon purchase you will receive a welcome email. The next day you will receive Day 1 and one email a day for 6 days after that.

Are their refunds?

Due to the downloadable nature of these resources, there are no refunds for this series.

I don't know anything about Traditional Chinese Medicine. Will this still work for me?

Absolutely. In this program, you will learn about TCM and the practices. You do not need TCM knowledge ahead of time.

Can I do this at home?

Yep, you can do this anywhere you have some privacy for 10-15 minutes a day. At home, in the car, in a washroom (if no one else needs it!). Once you have done the series and practiced for a bit, you’ll notice you can practice integrating grief almost anywhere.

There is simply no going back, we must learn to grow again, into life.

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