Whether your grief is from 30 years ago, or just last week, Keeping Company With Grief is a way to integrate and free you from the suffering that comes with resisting the pain.

Across all time and space, everyone will be called to grieve. The mighty “Nooooo” unites us all.

Grief asks us: how will we live now?

Knowing how you grieve is individual, and universal. No one else can climb into your body and do it for you and we all know grieving changes over time, and with each death.

Keeping Company With Grief is a toe dip into your ocean of grief with the support of kind companions: you, me, and 2800 year old medicines. It is a chance to be supported while you check out what might be here for you, what you actually want to do with the grief and a few ways to practice, integrate and touch peace.

For wherever grief is in your life, this course could offer you freedom.

Keeping Company With Grief is an online self-paced program that combines Vipassana meditation technique, Chinese medicine, Qi flow exercises and profound presence.