{Lamia's Newsletter} The PORTAL - Change and the fires of r-evolution

Hi Reader,


On the heels of Pride and with summer's heat burning, this month I speak to evolution, revolution and the fires that fuel Life.

Welcome to the July edition of The PORTAL. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Just yesterday Abolitionist Pride shut down the Toronto Pride parade reminding us that pride is a protest. Change requires evolution and revolution, slow change over time and radical shifts in a moment.

In a fire the hottest flame is cool blue, close to the centre. Freedom expressed internally will set afire the world around.


Coming out (about anything) is a shift from hiding to living free, originating in the relationship from Self to Self. One may not ever be able to come out publically, socially transition or be externally honest about their inner demons, still regarding your internal fires, will have you living fully Alive.

The work of being; to listen, attune, know and decide.

No hawk spends time grappling with its' predator reality, it knows the mouse is lunch and hunts for that food. But humans? hoooee... we are a complex sort, mixing consciousness with matter, spirit with body, societies with cultures and on and on.


Fire season offers power to your spirit as burning inner truths push up and out into conscious existence.


Humans hide things we may never tell anyone, and no one HAS to come out to anyone else to be themselves. Life resides in the revolutions and evolutions of coming out to Self.

Your health and wellbeing is cared for, in part, by me and Traditional East Asian Medicine. But there has always been more, and I am declaring it today! I am coming out again, and this time it's Spirit.

In physics, a medium is any substance that can transmit energy or waves from one place to another.

In a psychic sense a medium is someone who practices mediation or communication between living humans and dead spirits.


I have known for years, and am ready to declare:

I channel, physically and psychically.


During some treatments, I get subtle messages from clients dead ones, or see flashes of purple/blue light that help guide acupoint decisions, knowledge sharing or invitations to lead.

In The PORTAL, or online, I channel content for community healing and well being. I am doing it right now as I write this. In addition to checking in with TCM seasonal health and what I want to share I listen for what is to be shared at this time from the universe to you.

I channel from Spirit, Knowledge and Universal Qi to promote Freedom and advocate for Life.


I do not transmit my energy into you, instead I open up to the multiverse, and your field, and listen. I share what is to be known and you take what you want, leaving the rest. I don't know what you are "supposed" to learn/have, that part is all you. Sovereign regard leads and transformation ensues, whether what I have is for you or not!

Knowledge in The PORTAL, and my clinical practice, is rooted in 2800 year old medicine, leadership training, 2 decades of clinical experience and a lifetime of connecting with Spirit.

The time is now and I want to be out, externally.

This edition of The PORTAL asks:

What are you coming out about to yourself, if anything?

Is it a mental illness you are struggling with but no one really knows about? A gender identity that keeps tapping you on the shoulder? A truth that is loud in your head, but quiet in your communities?


Summer fire ignites energy

Summer is a time of declaration, action, destruction and creation. The organ Fire Organ systems (Heart, Small Intestine, San Jiao and Heart Protector) tend towards heat and in summer we are supported to DO and GENERATE. And, as you likely know, we can BURN.

Qi flows differently through each season, everything gets turned up in the summer. This season asks for active balance with cooling foods, practices, reflection and connection.


To balance the fires within and around The PORTAL resources are here:


Cool rocks, rivers and green trees cool the energetic body. Plus celery, water(melon) ๐Ÿ‰ and green veggies steady the fires within.



Go for cooling or cold foods during Summer.

Citrus fruits. Watermelon. Cucumber, celery. Cooling herbs such as mint, coriander, dill, lemon balm, peppermint, lemongrass, chamomile, and chrysanthemum. Leafy greens such as bok choy, chard, spinach & kale.



On fire?

Here is a video to cool Fire organs, via the Heart Protector Channel.

video previewโ€‹



Pursue cool nature and environments.

Green on the trees and in the grass. Water in the wading pool or ice as it melts from your freezie. Cool cloths on your neck and air conditioning in the mall. Wherever possible, get thee some interactions with coolness and bring your consciousness to the front as you do.

  • Here I am oh so hot (temperature, emotions, work), now I seek out coolant (water, presence, rest).
  • Here I am in this cool, drinking this water, caring for my frustration, taking a break amidst the impossible.



Anyone who lights your heart up will benefit from some part of the messages here. Spread the fire, and the water.

Forward your flames this July edition of The PORTAL

For July 2024; EAT, MOVE, PURSUE, SHARE and Declare


The PORTAL is freedom




May nature's coolants enter your bones, to harmonize, nurture and restore your waters amidst the fires on Earth, and within.



See you again mid month with

I love working with communities and families. Please connect me with your people. Thank you. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Say it slowly so it sinks in... We individuals, are connected.


All that you touch, You Change. All that you Change, Changes you. The only lasting truth Is Change.
- Octavia E. Butler


Centring the online course Keeping Company With Grief all of 2024

Keeping Company With Grief is a self paced course on Grief Integration - click image to learn more


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The PORTAL newsletter

The PORTAL is a treatment delivered direct to your inbox. So much of what I offer my clients is information about food, exercise, Traditional East Asian Medicines and practice. You will receive resources twice a month, connecting you to healing all year round.

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