{Lamia's Newsletter} The PORTAL - Fall for freedom

Hi Reader,

The brilliant sun still rises, the full moon glows and red-tailed hawks make timely appearances. As our global reality continues to unfold horror, we have decisions to make and natures beauty to sustain us.

I act for the people, community and freedom.

With Joy as a resource, we can challenge our phenomenal survival instincts to self-deceive by practicing awareness, presence and care with courage.

A prayer for the murdered

Freedom stolen

cages only the tyrants soul

with this awareness

may freedom reign

I've never doubted that apartheid - because it was of itself fundamentally, intrinsically evil - was going to bite the dust eventually.

To support your well being this season...

Deep breaths everyone, Fall is here.

Crisp air, dry breezes.

Grief, fear and contemplation to the front.

Joy, constant as a heartbeat, buried beneath lost leaves.

Meet joy wherever possible, not to cover over agony, but to nurture the Heart, our emotions ocean.

Fall is Metal energy, with seasonal attributes...

  • Organs - Lungs and Large Intestine, taking in and letting go.
  • Colour - white, all colours in one.
  • Taste - pungent, opens the nose.
  • Sound - "Ssssssss", frees up the Po, Spirit of the Lungs.
  • Sense organ - Nose, keep covered to prevent illness.
  • Tissue - Skin, keep covered and hydrated.
  • Emotion - Grief, offer tenderness for the pain.
  • Behavioural tendency - desire to control, make sense of, organize.
  • Practice - speaking your truth.

Fall invites introspection even when we can't slow down. Watching leaves change colour, held by gravity as they fall to the Earth, we can attempt to be with complexity.

Nothing will live forever and horrific deaths are tragedies. Pain is inevitable and suffering is not. All life requires other life for life to live.

"it's not so much about letting go, as it is about realizing you can't hold on."

May contemplation commence

The contemplation that began in Late Summer continues, as grief arises and passes away in Fall. Resisting, embracing or accepting release is all grieving. Fall will usher us to rest and earlier nights, nudging us toward inner worlds.

One hour of reflection from now to Winter Solstice will uplift your health as you attune with the season. This Fall, I dare you to set your sights on thriving.

Season change is vibrant and connective. In Spring we reunite and welcome the emergence of buds. In Fall we gather, support each other and prepare for winter.

Survival requires community. Thrival is life's essence.

So far this year you have received help for a wide variety of concerns. Sinusitis, burnout, impacts of long covid, recovery from illness, routine maintenance, endometriosis, cptsd, grief, addiction, pain, distress from genocide, fear of climate change, PMS and more.

You keep coming back, establishing care routines, dropping in randomly and referring your people. Treatments and referrals are making a world of well being.

Our potential for care is evolving.

Read on for The PORTAL resources, a free Community health action, benefits reminder, recap from training, fee increases coming and Rumi for your soul.

The PORTAL resources


White, pungent foods

  • garlic, onions, leeks
  • oats, pears, radishes (daikon, red, black)
  • white pepper, horseradish

Less is more when working with food. Go easy, get stinky :)


The sound of the Lungs Soul (The Po) frees Qi flow

Deep breath in, filling up your Lungs and whole body with fresh Qi, exhaling with an "Sssssssssss" to move the Lung Qi specifically.

video preview


This past Spring I offered clients and community RENEW: a food program that aligns with Spring to renew you from within.

This Fall I will offer another Community Health Action → RELEASE

We will prepare, eat whole foods, pungent/sour flavours, neutral/warm temperatures and lots of soup. Over one week of shifting food habits you will RELEASE stagnations, leveraging the naturally occurring abscission of Fall.


  • Oct 22: Registration closes
  • Oct 23: Program info sent out
  • Oct 23-29: email me questions, prep meals and snacks
  • Oct 30: Meeting #1 - Welcome and prep
  • Nov 1-7: RELEASE - A week of whole foods, guided by Traditional Chinese Medicine and your body's wants.
  • Nov 6: Meeting #2 - RELEASE week
  • Nov 13: Meeting # 3 - Integration week


  • All meetings are on Wednesdays from 7-8pm et, online


  • Free (or by donation)

Reviews from Spring 2024 RENEW participants:

" I wanted to renew my commitments to myself and loved the structure of the program with its focus on harm reduction, easing in and easing out of it, the community calls, the body-based movement, and the FB page filled with inspiration."


"I didn’t have a ton of cravings for coffee, oat milk, peanut/sunflower butter which are all on the daily rotation. I did really miss raw foods + fermented things. I learned that I love lentils! and raisins! and lemon roasted beets! It is pretty cool that a new normal can be created through community care, commitment, and inspiration ❤"

and last but not least...


  • Forward this newsletter.
  • Send me your dear ones, cousins and neighbours.
  • Gift a treatment.
  • Help make a world of well being.

Wanna use up your benefits?

A lot of benefits wrap up on Dec 31 so if you got 'em, use 'em!

This means I get busier as we get closer to the end of the year.

If you are a regular client, book treatments now to get your spot. Reminder... 24 hr cancellation policy if you need to rebook.

If you have benefits to use up for:

  • acupuncture
  • massage
  • naturopathy
  • osteopathy
  • therapy
  • or a dietician

Check out the Practitioners at Aurum for whole, human care.

Report back from Blood Magic!

with Yvonne Farrell, LAc.

I got to super nerd out with one of my main teachers last weekend and it is immediately enhancing my practice!

I learned a lot. We have channels that extend from points on the primary channels where we store experiences and emotions that can not be felt in the moment. To release them and take the load off of the body/nervous system/channels we can bleed them!

I am gonna be practicing on my self for a few weeks, and then I'll be asking to poke your ankles! (I love a good no of course!)

video preview

After this training, I inspired a potential new way to create access for healing with acupuncture & Karuna (Compassion).

Stay tuned for developments on acupuncture·community; an 8 or 10 week program for 5 people at a time, offering lower rates, self compassion practice, effective acupuncture, care and community.

Fee increase coming in November

I would happily work for soup, chocolate and a comfy bed, but here we are.

As of Nov 15 I will raise most treatment fees by $5 or $10.

This info will be sent in a separate email next week.

Between our commitments to care and creative treatment plans, my hope is that this will work for all. I will not raise rates again next year.

See you again mid month with

Keeping Company With Grief

For anyone grieving anyone or anything.

Using principals of Traditional East Asian Medicine, Buddhist Meditation, movement, breath and presence I accompany you as you learn how to heal, deal, feel and mourn.

This online course is self paced.

We individuals, are connected.

Wishing you ease, and connection, everywhere possible. 🙏🏼

A little more on tragedy...

When my mum was dying, and I had a new baby, my life was strained to say the least. I posted "The Guest House" by the change table and would read it a few times, most days. This poem and Meditation grew to be main supports during that year between birth and death.

I don't think this Rumi poem is about external horror and devastation. It is more about the feelings that greet us at the doors of tragedy.

New delights could be revolution, a world of caring, living water is life, commitments to evolve and fight without war.

The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

Copyright 1997 by Coleman Barks.
From The Illuminated Rumi.

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721 Bloor St West, Toronto, On m6g 1 l5
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The PORTAL newsletter

The PORTAL is a treatment delivered direct to your inbox. So much of what I offer my clients is information about food, exercise, Traditional East Asian Medicines and practice. You will receive resources twice a month, connecting you to healing all year round.

Read more from The PORTAL newsletter

Lamia Gibson, R. Ac. Oct 11th, 2024 Hi Reader, I am wishing you wellbeing and presence for moments of joy. Joy as medicine, balm and balance, to touch peace and re-source your soul. Upcoming fee changes As mentioned in this month's PORTAL, fees are increasing this year for some of my Acupuncture services at Aurum Medicine & Wellness Clinic. New rates will be applied to appointments that occur on November 15, 2024. Click here to view the fees as of November 15, 2024.pdf Click here to book a...

Picture of the full moon - Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Hi Reader, This PORTAL resource review centres on Late Summer and transcending dominance. Polarity is insufficient for renewability, be it dominance or submission, right or wrong. Decisions create. When it comes to health and well being, key players are community and you. Late summer, the 5th season, is time to rest and prepare for the inward turn of Fall and Winter. If your Spleen is calling you home (digestion, worry, overthinking)book an appointment here. We individuals, are connected....

Hi Reader, What are we to do for the world around us, dear ones struggling and the state of our own Selves, if anything? There are no certain answers, that I am sure of, 😉. Sovereignty is, and deciding if to do anything before what to do is crucial for effectiveness. Late Summer (mid august - Fall equinox) is a season of nurturing and transformation and a time to take stock of internal and external resources as we shift into fall and winter. Human beings are a renewable resource and renewable...