{Lamia's Newsletter} The PORTAL - Late Summer and transcending dominance

Hi Reader,


What are we to do for the world around us, dear ones struggling and the state of our own Selves, if anything?

There are no certain answers, that I am sure of, πŸ˜‰.

Sovereignty is, and deciding if to do anything before what to do is crucial for effectiveness. Late Summer (mid august - Fall equinox) is a season of nurturing and transformation and a time to take stock of internal and external resources as we shift into fall and winter.

Human beings are a renewable resource and renewable resources become nonrenewable when they are used up faster than can be replenished.

From storing vegetables, to an "inner work" check-in, replenishment is required. It's time to assess your cupboards, inside and out.

Being connected to your energy is to inhabit renewable power.

When we separate Self from the whole being, the physical body has to dominate consciousness to survive and we become non-renewable in this attempt to divorce from energetic form.

Late Summer is Earth element, Spleen and Stomach Qi absorbing food and thought. Contemplation is encouraged as we consider; "what resources do I have?" and "am I connected - in any way - to my wholeness?"

Whole beings are a renewable resource and renewability eliminates dominant leadership, inside and out.

We are physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual entities, attending to all bodies consciously, will transform the world.


This is easier done than said! Read The PORTAL resources below - Eat, Move, Pursue & Share,

and, if you want to check in on your Qi, come in for a treatment


The PORTAL resources

for Late Summer & connecting to your wholeness.


Cooked stews, whole grains, root veggies and ditch the ice.

  • cook food lightly on low heat to preserve nutrients
  • drink water away from meals
  • check in with your energy and rest, eat, nourish accordingly


Attend to the Stomach and Spleen channels

The Stomach and Spleen are earth energy elements. Below is a video sharing the Stomach Channel Sweep. This practice helps us return to the body and the Earth.

video preview​



Understand, a whole self is a revolution.

Get curious about the subtle but significant vibrations that is your energy body. Check in with a treatment to grow awareness of the Qi flow that is you.

There is no way to get this right or wrong, to be good or bad. Sovereignty is. Practice attuning to your Qi by rubbing your hands together and holding them an inch or so apart. Feel the flow.

I am a revolution, as are you.

Music medicine: Revolution - Joy Oladokun 🎢


Send The PORTAL to 3 friends and generate whole beings.

The PORTAL is freedom

Benefits announcement

Wanna use up your benefits?

Time away this month...

I am delighted to be going to Barrie on Sept 21 and 22 to attend a workshop by Yvonne Farrell, one of my main teachers for working with The Extraordinary Vessels. If I haven't talked with you about those yet, ask me about it at your next appointment!

See you again mid month with

Keeping Company With Grief

For anyone grieving anyone or anything.

Using principals of Traditional East Asian Medicine, Buddhist Meditation, movement, breath and presence I accompany you as you learn how to heal, deal, feel and mourn.

This online course is self paced.


We individuals, are connected.

Wishing you ease, and connection, everywhere possible. πŸ™πŸΌ

β€œBetween stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
-Author unknown

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The PORTAL newsletter

The PORTAL is a treatment delivered direct to your inbox. So much of what I offer my clients is information about food, exercise, Traditional East Asian Medicines and practice. You will receive resources twice a month, connecting you to healing all year round.

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Hi Reader, This PORTAL resource review centres on Late Summer and transcending dominance. Polarity is insufficient for renewability, be it dominance or submission, right or wrong. Decisions create. When it comes to health and well being, key players are community and you. Late summer, the 5th season, is time to rest and prepare for the inward turn of Fall and Winter. If your Spleen is calling you home (digestion, worry, overthinking)book an appointment here. We individuals, are connected....