
The PORTAL newsletter

The PORTAL is a treatment delivered direct to your inbox. So much of what I offer my clients is information about food, exercise, Traditional East Asian Medicines and practice. You will receive resources twice a month, connecting you to healing all year round.

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Acupuncture Price Increase Notice

Lamia Gibson, R. Ac. Oct 11th, 2024 Hi Reader, I am wishing you wellbeing and presence for moments of joy. Joy as medicine, balm and balance, to touch peace and re-source your soul. Upcoming fee changes As mentioned in this month's PORTAL, fees are increasing this year for some of my Acupuncture services at Aurum Medicine & Wellness Clinic. New rates will be applied to appointments that occur on November 15, 2024. Click here to view the fees as of November 15, 2024.pdf Click here to book a...

Hi Reader, The brilliant sun still rises, the full moon glows and red-tailed hawks make timely appearances. As our global reality continues to unfold horror, we have decisions to make and natures beauty to sustain us. I act for the people, community and freedom. With Joy as a resource, we can challenge our phenomenal survival instincts to self-deceive by practicing awareness, presence and care with courage. A prayer for the murdered Freedom stolen cages only the tyrants soul with this...

Picture of the full moon - Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Hi Reader, This PORTAL resource review centres on Late Summer and transcending dominance. Polarity is insufficient for renewability, be it dominance or submission, right or wrong. Decisions create. When it comes to health and well being, key players are community and you. Late summer, the 5th season, is time to rest and prepare for the inward turn of Fall and Winter. If your Spleen is calling you home (digestion, worry, overthinking)book an appointment here. We individuals, are connected....

Hi Reader, What are we to do for the world around us, dear ones struggling and the state of our own Selves, if anything? There are no certain answers, that I am sure of, 😉. Sovereignty is, and deciding if to do anything before what to do is crucial for effectiveness. Late Summer (mid august - Fall equinox) is a season of nurturing and transformation and a time to take stock of internal and external resources as we shift into fall and winter. Human beings are a renewable resource and renewable...

Hi Reader, This PORTAL resource review teaches you about congruence to enhance your understanding of harmony with seasons and Qi flow. Seasons are seasonal, change is a constant, after all. No matter how chill one may be, we humans can find change challenging. Seasonal attunement is a thing and late summer, the 5th season, is a time for reflection, rest and some prep work. Know your Qi flow and align. Book an appointment here. Harmony includes aligning with the environment around us, and one...

Hi Reader, Treating communities is my jam, person by person. We are tired, busy, hot, sticky and need effective healthcare. Summer is Fire element and associated with the Heart, Small Intestine, San Jiao (Triple Heater) and Heart Protector. To attune with summer... move Qi, clear Heat and clarify your Heart's desires. Humans have multi-aspected bodies, intergenerational wisdom, pain and possibility. We are prone to peace, and to war. Raising capacity helps to discern, commit and decide. We...

Hi Reader, Most of us have seen an uptick in activity the past few weeks given that summer heat (Yang) picks up the pace literally and energetically. Water (Yin) supports balance for touching a harmonious Life, this months resource review has practices and foods for you to be super cool! 😎 Yin and Yang transform into each other "When two things are balanced, they are equal but still separate. In a relationship of harmony, the two energies blend into one seamless whole, as perfectly embodied...

Hi Reader, On the heels of Pride and with summer's heat burning, this month I speak to evolution, revolution and the fires that fuel Life. Welcome to the July edition of The PORTAL. 🙏🏼 🔥 This past Sunday Abolitionist Pride shut down the Toronto Pride parade reminding us that pride is a protest. Change requires evolution and revolution, slow change over time and radical shifts in a moment. In a fire the hottest flame is cool blue, close to the centre. Freedom expressed internally will set...

Hi Reader, On the heels of Pride and with summer's heat burning, this month I speak to evolution, revolution and the fires that fuel Life. Welcome to the July edition of The PORTAL. 🙏🏼 🔥 Just yesterday Abolitionist Pride shut down the Toronto Pride parade reminding us that pride is a protest. Change requires evolution and revolution, slow change over time and radical shifts in a moment. In a fire the hottest flame is cool blue, close to the centre. Freedom expressed internally will set afire...

Hi Reader, Harmonious sciences. This past week I came across an article stating: "The mysterious phenomenon that Einstein once described as “spooky action at a distance” was seen as a wave function between two entangled photons." This is what it looked like... Wow is right! Modern science is meeting the realities that East Asian Medicines, and all Indigenous medicines, have known for thousands of years. I judge this as incredibly rude, pretty fantastic and a reflection of ongoing hope. Nature...